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Life on Purpose: Living Service

Last Offered:
Next Offered:
Fall 2024

Highlighting the Art of Universal Language, explore your unique talents and hone skills needed to develop or improve feasible service projects and to live a purposeful, sustainable, and service-directed life.

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From Comfort to Growth

Last Offered:
Next Offered:
Guy Perron and Agnes Lazar
Winter 2024
Winter 2025

In this course, we use time-tested principles of spiritual thinking and practice which facilitate the soul's orientation towards God-consciousness, loving service to others, and even to cosmic consciousness.

Life After Death: Our Path to Paradise

Last Offered:
Next Offered:
Michael Hill
Winter 2025

This three session Read and Discuss (R&D) forum will cover Papers 112, 48 and 48 with the goal of achieving a deeper understanding of the revelator’s descriptions of personality and the self, of death, survival of the human self, the morontia self, and of Adjuster fusion.

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Emergence of the Supreme Being

Last Offered:
Next Offered:
Stuart Kerr
Summer 2024

It is the bold purpose of this UB Topical Study to help you to develop for yourself a practical and working comprehension of your own personal growth as an individual and your unique contribution to the evolution and emergence of the Supreme Being.

Allowing the Spirit to Guide You

Last Offered:
Next Offered:
Kaye Cooper and Sharon Porter ~ With Nancy Votrain, Cecelia Lampley, and William Cooper
Spring 2024

You must be led by the spirit. (156:5.2 (1738.1))

This is a literal statement. When you pursue the experience of being led, God becomes more real to you. In this course you will be trying ways to perceive God’s guidance for yourself. You will explore experientially the Trinity of Guidance—the three divine spirits that lead you:

• The Thought Adjuster
• The Spirit of Truth
• The Holy Spirit

Self-Mastery and Circle Attainment

Last Offered:
Next Offered:
Michael Hill
Spring 2023
Spring 2024

This course is designed to refresh and renew the spiritual aspirations of Urantia Book readers who have by faith, entered the kingdom of God and therein set for themselves the achievement of the fullness of mortal life. Here, we will strive to address the enhancement of personal spiritual perception and the influence of such growth on daily life while sharing our spiritual life with others and recognizing the religious life of others.

Soul Identity and Personality Unification

Last Offered:
Next Offered:
Patrick Yesh
Spring 2023
Spring 2024

The goal of the course is to help participants identify more fully and consistently with the soul-self and morontia-mind rather than the material-self and human-mind. This endeavor will be undertaken by examining our motivations, identifying our purposes, and activating transformation by turning the text of The Urantia Book into affirmations, thereby putting us in intimate conversation with our Thought Adjusters and in alignment with the Father’s divine plan for our progressive perfection attainment. Affirmations deliberately written in the first-person point of view strengthen the process of transferring the seat of one’s identity to the soul.

Fearlessly Foreword: A Brief Introduction

Last Offered:
Next Offered:
Merritt Horn
Spring 2023

In this course, we’ll examine the Foreword’s structure and content as informed by its purpose and function, with the goal of enhancing the student’s ability to more effectively assist new and experienced readers alike to better understand and utilize the Foreword.

Discovering God Within

Last Offered:
Next Offered:
Guy Perron and Agnes Lazar
Fall 2023
Fall 2024

The greatest possible discovery for my human soul is to be sincerely involved in my personal supernal experience of finding God for myself, in myself, and of myself, and of doing all this as a fact in my own personal experience.

First Steps Foreword

Last Offered:
Next Offered:
Merritt Horn
Fall 2023

A Foreword course for Beginners…and for those who still feel like Beginners!

First Steps Foreword is a very brief (2 weeks; 3 seminars) look at the Foreword of The Urantia Book and is intended to reduce some of the mystery and remove some of the anxiety that most new readers (and many experienced readers) feel when faced with the Foreword. We’ll take a fresh look at the author’s purpose and technique, examine the structure and content from a high level, and talk a bit about what it means to “understand the Foreword.”

What is The Urantia Book?

Formerly Overview of the Urantia Book (General)

Urantia Book Studies

This class introduces the major themes and concepts of The Urantia Book to the inquisitive new or veteran reader. We will first undertake to survey the Book as a whole then explore highlights of its four parts. In the last two weeks we will explore and discuss various hypotheses about the possible reasons for the appearance and timing of this epochal revelation.
Revamped version of the Overview of The Urantia Bookcourse

Who is God? What is God's relationship to the Universe and to Us?

Formerly Overview of Part I

Urantia Book Studies

This class will focus on the key concepts of Part I of The Urantia Book which range from the Deity personalities of the Paradise Trinity to the major orders of divine beings who descend from the Trinity to function in manifold ways in Havona and the seven superuniverses. Close attention will be paid to the loving nature of the Universal Father, the First Source and Center of the master universe, and how we may best relate to God. Revamped version of the Overview of Part I of The Urantia Book course.

What Happens After Death?

Formerly Overview of Part II

Urantia Book Studies

We will discover that our local universe (and all the universes of space and time) is remarkably well-ordered, efficiently administered, and superbly coordinated in order to advance and support the Paradise ascension scheme of mortal spiritual progression.

We will also examine the history of Nebadon from its origin and early stages of development to its present status and beyond to its glorious destiny in a far distant future when it achieves the highest stage of light and life. Just as the physical universe and all its personal beings are evolving towards perfection, so too are our Creator Son and Mother Spirit as they guide their creation to the fullness and exhaustion of all its potentials. Revamped version of the Overview of The Urantia Book Part II Course

Why do Good and Evil Exist? How does Freewill and Evolution Contribute to the Supreme?

Formerly Overview of Part III

Urantia Book Studies

What are some of the major concepts presented in Part III of The Urantia Book and what does it say about humanity’s origin, purpose and destiny? This class explores revelatory answers to age-old questions about humanity’s true nature and role in the evolution of the universe.

Part III of the Urantia Book takes us on an exciting journey of evolution, starting with the formation of our solar system and the original marine life implantations in Urantia’s warm, primitive ocean through the long ages of slow and often surprising evolutionary developments to the first pair of truly human beings nearly one million years ago. We will discover what sets human beings apart from their evolutionary cousins and confers upon them an extraordinary capacity for divine perfection and an eternal destiny. Revamped version of Overview of The Urantia Book Part III course.

Who was Jesus? How can He Help Me Live a Good Life?

Formerly Overview of Part IV

Urantia Book Studies

This class provides an intimate look at the divine origin and human existence of Jesus as revealed in Part IV of The Urantia Book and affords a fascinating and useful analysis of Jesus in his role as a surrogate father to his siblings. Revamped version of the Overview of Part IV of The Urantia Book


Course Catalog


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