Planned Giving
Establish a Lasting Legacy

Thank you for considering investing in UrantiaUniversity’s future, ensuring support for seekers and scholars for generations to come. We invite you to explore how planned giving can further realize the Urantian revelation. Together, we can uplift our planet, moving it step by step towards Light and Life.
Join us as a member of the UrantiaUniversity Legacy Circle as we establish a global family of God, embracing the Jesusonian values of spirit insight, joyful ministry, and loving service. At this time, UrantiaUniversity can accept charitable bequests and can be designated as a beneficiary on your retirement plan or life insurance policy.
Why Set Up a Bequest?
Build a foundation for Urantian education for future generations by including us in your will.
You can help sustain UUI’s legacy by including the University in your will or living trust. Known as a charitable bequest, a gift in your will is a simple way to ensure the programs, experiences, and fellowship that transformed you will continue to inspire others into the future. A bequest allows you to support our vital work without parting with assets today. Bequests are simple to set up, can be changed at any time, and could provide estate tax relief.
You can direct your gift to support a particular program or to further UrantiaUniversity’s unrestricted purposes. We are happy to talk through this option with you or your legal advisers.
Urantia University Legacy Circle
UrantiaUniversity Legacy Circle honors and recognizes learners, faculty and friends who make a commitment of any size to the University by including UUI in their estate plans or by naming UrantiaUniversity as a beneficiary of retirement assets or life insurance. Through faith in the reality of universe unity, the UrantiaUniversity Legacy Circle members “live and carry on as if already in the presence of the Eternal” and desire for future generations to experience the same surety of conviction.
By joining together, members of the UrantiaUniversity Legacy Circle contribute “to the continued survival of altruism” and challenge the rest of us to fully realize the Urantian idea-values—that religion is experiential, our relationship with God is personal, evolution is progressive, and revelation is dynamic. Together we act as if immortality were already within our grasp 102:2.3 (1119.8).

Members of the UrantiaUniversity Legacy Circle receive certain benefits, which include:
Invitation to a yearly stakeholder’s meeting where you and other members contribute to the vision and goals of UUI
Advanced invitations to special University events
Commemorative UrantiaUniversity Legacy Circle Plaque and Pin
Inclusion in the UrantiaUniversity Legacy Circle Honor Roll, the distinguished community of UrantiaUniversity philanthropists
Advanced opportunity for course registration
Fee waiver for any future UUI fee-based offering

How to Join the Legacy Circle
Prepare your bequest
Learn about these methods of giving.
When you're ready, follow these steps.
Questions? Contact We look forward to helping you bring your generosity to life.

Do you have money saved in an employee retirement plan, IRA or tax-sheltered annuity?
Did you know that you can name UUI as a beneficiary for the remainder of your retirement plan while you continue to take regular lifetime withdrawals and avoid taxation on the remainder of the assets?
When a distribution is made from your retirement plan account, your beneficiaries will owe federal income tax. As a nonprofit organization, we are tax-exempt and will receive the full amount of what you designate to the University from your plan and will spare your family from having to pay taxes on the remainder of your retirement plan assets.
You can take advantage of this gift opportunity by either designating UrantiaUniversity as the primary beneficiary for a percentage or specific amount, or designating the University as the contingent beneficiary so that UrantiaUniversity will receive the balance of your plan only if your primary beneficiary doesn’t survive you.
All this requires is updating your beneficiary designation form through your plan administrator.
Young families often purchase a life insurance policy just in case an unforeseen tragedy occurs. After your children are grown and the extra protection is no longer needed you can designate UrantiaUniversity as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy.
This gift is as simple as requesting a Change of Beneficiary Form from your policy holder and updating your beneficiary designation. You can designate UrantiaUniversity as the primary beneficiary for a percentage or specific amount.
You can also make the University the contingent beneficiary so that UrantiaUniversity will receive the balance of your policy only if your primary beneficiary does not survive you.
You will retain ownership of the policy and the flexibility to change your beneficiary designation later if your circumstances change. Any policy proceeds distributed to UrantiaUniversity will be exempt from estate tax and will establish a lasting legacy at comparatively low cost.
Other Giving Vehicles
Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD)
IRA owners age 70½ or over of their option to transfer up to $100,000 to charity tax-free each year.
A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity. QCDs can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year, as long as certain rules are met.
In addition to the benefits of giving to charity, a QCD excludes the amount donated from taxable income, which is unlike regular withdrawals from an IRA. Keeping your taxable income lower may reduce the impact to certain tax credits and deductions, including Social Security and Medicare.
Learn more at
Donor Advised Funds (DAF)
A donor-advised fund is an investment account that is used for charitable giving. Donor-advised funds are considered the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States. DAFs can be relatively inexpensive to create and maintain, while also offering donors some ability to manage their tax situation through giving.
It is composed of donations made by individuals and administered by a third party. The third party is called the sponsoring organization. A donor-advised fund offers an immediate tax relief and allows you to support your favorite charities immediately or over time.
Learn more at
Ready to Establish Your Legacy?
Just follow these simple steps

1. Seek the advice of your financial or legal adviser.
2. If you include UrantiaUniversity in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
UrantiaUniversity Inc.
4947 Sundance Square, Boulder, CO 80301
Federal Tax ID Number: 27-1537426
3. Send UrantiaUniversity a Bequest Intention, a notice of your intention to make a planned gift. It is not a legally binding commitment but a courtesy which prompts your invitation into the UrantiaUniversity Legacy Circle.
4. If you have any questions along the way, contact We look forward to helping you bring your generosity to life.