Week 3 of "Our Mother God: Knowing Her, Loving Her, Sharing Her"
Kurt Cira says that the Mother Spirit's connection to us is like an umbilical cord. Service, ministry, and mind all come from the Mother Spirt and are how she feeds and supports us.
"If we focus totally on the Father or Jesus we’re missing aspects of her. I think that if we were able to understand God as Mother as well as we understand God as Father, so much of the misogyny that takes place in the world would be reduced. To me, it has to do with the idea of the complementary relationship that men and women can have. There is a mutual need for both the female and male points of view. That’s part of God's design—that we need to come together in this complemental way. The Creator Son and Mother Spirit are partners, their influence together is superadditive and exponentially greater than either two is on their own."
Interview Excerpts
How important is the concept of Mother God for society?
I think if other cultures were able to understand God as Mother as well as God as Father, so much of the misogyny that takes place in the world would be reduced. To me, it has to do with this idea of the complementary relationship that men and women can have. There is a mutual need for both the female and male points of view. That’s part of God's design—that we need to come together in this complemental way.
How does the understanding of our Mother God, the Universe Mother Spirit, fit into the teachings of the triune spiritual guidance system that is available to everyone?
I think The Urantia Book is trying to help us to have a certain universe framework of reality and deity that is grander, but also more approachable, than past views of deity that we've had. The Local Mother Spirit and the Creator Son are what we can really relate to, and we approach them way before we get anywhere near the Trinity. This gives us a way to begin to differentiate that God has different functions but they all work together in unity as one.
We need to have an understanding of God as a whole, We have the Adjuster from the Father, we've got the Spirit of Truth from the Son, and we've got the Holy Spirit and the adjutant mind-spirits that come from the Mother. They all work together as one, and while there is differences between their ministry, we can't really identify it. A comprehensive understanding of the male and female aspects of deity move us toward a more unified approach to thinking about reality.